Jana Mertens

Jana Mertens
Jana Mertens

Information on the illustrations:

Titel: "RAY" aus 2018 - Painted stone casting, 4.000 Euro


Other works:

"eysel", 2017 - Painted stone casting, 3.900 Euro 99d679d6d8

"BRUNO", 2017 - Painted stone casting, 3.800 Euro7e1812c461

"ALWIN", 2017 - Painted stone casting, 3.800 Euroc76c2f6461

"SCHILDY", 2016 - Painted stone casting, 3.100 Euro170762cfa3

"bambino", 2016 - Painted stone casting, 6.800 Euroe0452c09c4

About the artist:

Jana Mertens from Leipzig

Sculptures are made of rough material and are bursting with power. They are mostly hybrids in which the artist combines moulded and found materials to form a new unity.

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